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10 Commercial Blvd #206 Novato, CA 94949

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What to do if a dog attacks you

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Getting bitten by an aggressive dog can be an extremely painful and traumatic experience. Here are some things you should do if you are ever attacked by a dog in California. Find the owner and gather information If you get attacked by a…

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Can drowsy driving be equated to drunk driving?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Many people in California do not get enough sleep each night. People who do not get adequate sleep might be fatigued when they drive. Drowsy driving is a serious problem that results in thousands of accidents each year and is responsible for numerous…

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Most common culprits of motorcycle accidents

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

California residents who drive motorcycles typically try to ride cautiously and look out for obstacles. Unfortunately, there are many different reasons why motorcycle accidents happen. Blind spot collisions Car collisions that involve a motorcycle commonly happen because the motorcycle is in the vehicle driver’s…

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How much attention to safety should a property owner pay?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Home, business, and other property owners maintain a duty to keep people entering the premises safe. Slip and fall and other accidents may happen when someone neglects to address known hazards. Litigation may follow when someone suffers harm. So what should property owners…

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Could falls lead to spinal cord injuries?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Several things make slip-and-fall accidents frightening. For one, they could happen anywhere. California residents could slip and trip in a store, on the sidewalk, in parking lots or any number of other locations. The other element that makes falls problematic are the potential…

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Poor truck maintenance can lead to serious injuries

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Truck accidents are among the most horrific crashes on California highways, and they happen for a wide range of reasons. One of those is negligence regarding truck maintenance. While there are many accidents that involve big-rig trucks, the fact that a commercial truck…

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How safety technology in cars is causing more accidents

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

As you drive in California, it’s imperative to stay safe behind the wheel. Considering that, many automobile manufacturers include a range of safety tech in their vehicles. Unfortunately, these types of safety-related technology aren’t making roads as safe as you think. Here’s a…

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Are certain breeds more prone to serious bite injuries?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

With over 48 million people owning a dog, there are many different breeds out there. With some breeds having a more vicious appearance than others, it can pose the question of whether or not certain breeds are more prone to serious bite injuries…

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Does California have special rules for adopting dogs?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

People choosing to adopt a dog in California may give a loving home to an equally loving pet. However, some breeds might be more dangerous than others. Dangerous dogs could bite someone, leaving an owner potentially liable for injuries. The Golden State has…

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What might cause brain injuries?

On Behalf of Rush Injury Law

Traumatic brain injuries rank among the most severe medical conditions that someone might suffer. The medical costs associated with addressing brain trauma may be tremendous and extensive. Recovery could take an undetermined amount of time, and rehabilitation might be highly involved. Even with…

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